Monday 25 February 2013

Youtuber of the week! Shaaanxo

Hello All!

The winner this week for Youtuber of the week must go to Shaaanxo! Shaaanxo is a beauty guru on youtube and puts out some of my favourite beauty videos! She is from New Zealand and I just love her accent! I also find her to be relatable and just fun to watch! She also gives a lot of great suggestions on both high end products and drugstore brands, which is great if you are like me and are on a budget ;) I find my self on her channel for hours just watching her chit chat videos and makeup tutorials! She really makes you feel like you are right there with her, hanging out! Maybe it's the accent that I love or maybe she is just plain awesome! I think one thing I like about her is that she doesn't try to sensor herself and she doesn't try to act perfect, which I find many of the beauty gurus do on youtube.

Here are my favourite videos from Shaaanxo:

Her chit chat videos are my favourite!!

Her favourites videos give me so many great ideas!

She does such a good variety of tutorials as well!

Check out her channel here--> Shaaanxo and subscribe if you like what you see :)

She also has a vlog channel which I watch regularly. Her vlog channel consists of a lot of Q&A's and life updates, things like that!

You can find her vlog channel here -->Shaaanxovlogs :)

Have a wonderful day :)


Jamie-Leigh <3

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